The industry-leading American Oil & Gas technology gives you the flexibility you need to upgrade a variety of feed-stocks to high-quality, lighter transportation fuel products. The technology can produce LPG, naphtha, kerosene and diesel, as well as high-quality unconverted oil to use downstream to produce lube oils or for FCC feed through the conversion of heavier feed-stocks and the addition of hydrogen.
Our broad range of hydro-cracking catalysts is designed to improve your profitability. Through significant technical advances in our product line, we can increase the precision of reaction chemistry on a molecular level, not just by physical properties. This means you can be more specific and selective to achieve your processing goals.
We offer multiple process flow schemes to meet individual refinery needs providing you with a customized, single-stage or two-stage process design to meet your specific objectives.
American Oil & Gas’s continued advances in the design of hydro-processing units and reactor internals like the Alliance Hydro-processing Reactor Internals can maximize your profits by achieving the best possible performance from hydro-processing units at the lowest possible cost.